The Relationship Between Orthodontics, Teeth Position, and Gum Recession

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  4. The Relationship Between Orthodontics, Teeth Position, and Gum Recession
Ideal Tooth Positioning Within Bone

In a healthy mouth, each tooth root sits completely encased by a jawbone. This alignment allows the periodontal ligament to attach strongly along the entire root length for stability. When front crowding occurs, teeth compete for space and roots get displaced outside the bony housing, pushing gums outward. This malposition starts creating a gum recession.

Improper Orthodontic Treatment Can Worsen Recession

Well-planned orthodontic treatment aims to gently make room for crowded teeth while keeping roots centred within the bone. However, some DIY aligner plans blindly expand the arch, protruding roots far outside the jawbone just to fit teeth in. This inevitably causes severe gum recession. Without X-rays or dental monitoring, it goes unnoticed until major damage is done.

Our Comprehensive Approach to Healthy Movement

Our orthodontic treatment at Pitt St Dental Centre includes extensive monitoring to move teeth only within healthy limits, avoiding any protrusion from the bone. We take precautions like fixed retainers on already thin tissue areas. We also educate patients on preventive care during treatment. Proper orthodontics paired with excellent hygiene can actually reduce recession risk in the long term by aligning teeth.

The Relationship Between Orthodontics, Teeth Position, and Gum Recession, Pitt Street Dental Centre
The High Risk of DIY Aligners

DIY aligners provide no accountability for detrimental movement leading to gum loss. Patients are often thrilled their front teeth look straight, not realising the roots are now dangerously protruding, ensuring future recession as the gums detach. Later, grafting procedures became far more extensive and costly. Our comprehensive expertise prevents such outcomes.

Focusing on the At-Risk Lower Front Teeth

The lower front teeth are most prone to recession from orthodontics due to naturally short roots, thin tissue, and strong muscle pull in that area. Any minor mispositioning shows dramatic effects on those vulnerable lower incisors. We take extra precautions when planning anterior movement to avoid gum detachment. Losing lower gum tissue is one of the most aesthetically noticeable recession concerns.

Clear Communication is Key

We ask patients if they have a history of gum recession since that would warrant even more conservative tooth positioning. We explain the risks versus benefits of potential plans. Your input into the treatment approach is vital. Our goal at Pitt St Dental Centre is to align teeth primarily for health, then aesthetics. Straight teeth are not the sole objective – supporting tissues must remain intact.

Restorative Options If Recession Occurs

If, despite best efforts, gum recession still occurs, various procedures like gum and bone grafting can help regrow lost tissue around exposed roots. Laser therapy also thickens gum tissue. And pinhole surgical techniques can rapidly restore receded areas in minimally invasive ways. Our comprehensive skillset allows me to resolve recession concerns using the latest technology.

Caring About Your Long-Term Health

Our top priority at Pitt St Dental Centre is to protect your oral health for many decades to come. While straighter teeth can boost confidence now, we focus first on ensuring properly embedded roots and intact gums for longevity. A beautiful smile means little if gum or bone loss leads to problems later on. Your overall well-being matters most to us.


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The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional personal diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a dental or medical condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read or seen on the Site.

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