TMJ Sydney

TMJ In Sydney At Pitt Street Dental Centre

TMJ Sydney

Get relief from TMJ disorder at Pitt Street Dental Centre in the heart of Sydney CBD. We provide solutions to address the cause of jaw problems to help stop the pain and prevent further issues. Our team of professionals have extensive knowledge of the teeth as well as the muscles, ligaments and tendons of the jawbone and have a comprehensive understanding of the range of treatments for TMJ disorder.

What is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ is a shortened term for the temporo-mandibular joint, which is the joint that connects your jawbone to the skull. Because it gets extensive use throughout the day and night, it can be prone to muscle spasms, stiffness and misalignments that cause pain in the face, teeth, jaw and head.

Because TMJ issues are due to a wide range of factors, we offer numerous solutions here at Pitt St. Dental Centre.

TMJ Disorder Symptoms

Due to the many movable parts of the jawbone and skull, each patient may experience problems in this area differently. The following are some signs and symptoms that might indicate you have TMJ disorder:

Earaches and headaches due to unknown source
Jaw stiffness and pain near the ear
Tinnitus or ear ringing
Facial swelling
Clicking sound in jaw
Grating sound in jaw
Jaw joint stiffness or locking up

Many times, an over-the-counter pain medication and ice pack to the area of pain can help. But if you experience chronic problems, the best thing to do is have a dental checkup. When left untreated, the causes behind TMJ disorder can lead to worse problems including damaged teeth or serious health issues.

Mohammad C
Mohammad C

Michael and team are very thorough and very professional, highly recommend 10/10.

What Causes TMJ Disorder?

Pain, stiffness or other issues with the jawbone area may be due to a physical problem with the jaw or a health issue stemming from chronic tension. The following are some common causes of TMJ disorder:

Misalignment of the jawbone
Muscle spasms around jaw due to improperly aligned teeth or bite
Bruxism (teeth grinding)
Trauma to the face or head, such as whiplash
Arthritis in jaw area
Sleep apnea that leads to stress

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We take great pride in providing a bespoke makeover experience. Everyone is different and has their own insecurities. That’s why we customise packages that fit your specific needs and goals.

How Pitt Street Dental Centre in Sydney Can Help

How Pitt Street Dental Centre In Sydney Can Help Help TMJ

When you visit us here at Pitt St. Dental Centre for relief of TMJ problems, we will begin with a thorough dental examination and health history. We may collect data with x-rays, 3D scans or other tech for a comprehensive view of your jawbone and surrounding teeth.

The following are some treatments offered:


If your teeth or bite are misaligned, we may recommend orthodontics.

For relief of bruxism, we may offer injectable muscle relaxants to relax the muscles, relieve tension in the jaw and mouth and prevent clenching or grinding during the night, resulting in fewer headaches and less pain while helping to prevent wear and damage to your teeth.
For mild sufferers of sleep apnoea, we offer repositioning splints. The splints are able to prop the mouth in a certain way to help you breathe during the night.

Call Today

Call Today For Your New Smile - Smile Makeovers In Sydney At Pitt Street Dental Centre

If you need relief from TMJ disorder, give us a call right away for a full dental exam and evaluation, so we can help bring you relief and restore your oral health.

Disclaimer: The material posted is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Results vary with each patient. Any dental procedure carries risks and benefits. If you have any specific questions about any dental and/or medical matter, you should consult your dentist, physician or other professional healthcare providers.

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